Story and CCQ Writing with


Ask for more questions that you need and choose from the best ones.


  1. What was the name of the main character?
  2. Where did Taro find the old map?
  3. What did the map show the location of?
  4. What did Taro fall through into the magical world?
  5. What creatures did Taro meet in the magical realm?
  6. Who was using their powers to protect the magical world?
  7. What did the evil gnome start stealing?
  8. How did Taro defeat the gnome?
  9. How long was Taro away from home?
  10. What important lesson did Taro’s adventure teach him?


  1. Why did Taro decide to seek out the hidden temple initially?
  2. Describe what the ancient stone temple looked like.
  3. Explain in your own words what happened when the moonbeam hit the gemstone.
  4. How was the magical realm different from the normal world?
  5. Why did the wizards need to use their powers?
  6. What was the gnome’s motivations for stealing the wizards’ powers?
  7. How did realizing the gnome was selfish impact Taro’s perspective?
  8. Why did Taro feel ashamed after being captured?
  9. How did defeating the gnome demonstrate Taro’s new-found bravery?
  10. Summarize the overall life lesson Taro learned by the end.


  1. If you found a similar ancient map, what would you do?
  2. How would you react if you encountered a glowing portal?
  3. Imagine you were transported to the magical realm – what’s the first thing you’d want to explore?
  4. What advice would you give to the wizards for protecting their world?
  5. If you witnessed the gnome stealing the powers, how would you try to intervene?
  6. What promises would you make to change your behavior like Taro did?
  7. If faced with a powerful evil force, where would you find the courage to defeat it?
  8. How would you readjust to normal life after an extended fantasy adventure?
  9. What positive personality changes do you think you’d experience from such an ordeal?
  10. In what ways could you apply the lesson of selflessness to your daily life?


  1. Why do you think the map and temple were portrayed as ancient?
  2. What was significant about the temple being made of glowing stone?
  3. How did the magical and normal worlds metaphorically represent different aspects of reality?
  4. What did the wizards’ selfless actions symbolize?
  5. Why was it important for the evil gnome to embody the opposite selfishness?
  6. How did Taro’s capture and the gnome’s boasting represent a pivotal moment?
  7. What was the symbolic significance of Taro having to defeat the gnome himself?
  8. In what ways did returning home represent beginning a new stage of life?
  9. How did the story follow the archetypal “hero’s journey” narrative structure?
  10. What deeper philosophical themes about good/evil and individual/society did the story explore?


  1. How effective was the magical realm at captivating your imagination? Why?
  2. Did the wizards and gnome embody their respective moral qualities convincingly?
  3. How relatable was Taro’s struggle between selfishness and selflessness?
  4. Which plot points or descriptions were strongest at immersing you in the story?
  5. What parts of Taro’s transformation journey did you find most compelling or moving?
  6. How satisfying was the ultimate revelation and personal growth Taro experienced?
  7. In what ways could the world-building details of the magical realm be improved?
  8. Did you find the resolution where Taro returns home after changing feel complete?
  9. How engaging was the use of simple language for a beginner English learner audience?
  10. Overall, how well did this fantasy story achieve its goal of teaching an meaningful life lesson?


  1. Reimagine the story from the perspective of one of the wizards protecting the realm.
  2. Construct a prequel explaining how the ancient temple and magical portal first came to exist.
  3. Design a new magical creature that Taro could encounter during his adventures.
  4. Storyboard a scene showing Taro’s first witnessing the floating islands and strange beings.
  5. Write a poem or song lyrics capturing Taro’s emotional state when the gnome mocked his selfishness.
  6. Illustrate a comic strip panel visualizing Taro’s climactic battle and defeat of the evil gnome.
  7. Create a board game based on the journey through the different islands of the magical realm.
  8. Propose an alternate ending where Taro decides to stay in the magical world permanently.
  9. Design promotional movie posters and taglines advertising “The Selfless Samurai” film.
  10. Write a sequel story for Taro that follows his new selfless endeavors back in the normal world.

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